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Time and cost pressures are forcing more and more companies to produce high-quality products more effectively and at lower cost. This means that production processes must be designed to be as waste-free as possible. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) offers enormous potential in production optimization. It is a key figure with which the overall equipment effectiveness can be measured – and which ultimately ensures optimized, effective, and efficient production.

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What is Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE)?
Definition of Overall Equipment Effectiveness


OEE is the abbreviation for Overall Equipment Effectiveness and is also often referred to as plant effectiveness or plant efficiency.


This business indicator defines the productivity of technical systems or machines as a percentage.


It considers the availability of the plant in relation to the production time as well as any losses or failures. In short, the OEE of a production facility indicates whether it is “productive or not”.

OEE Optimization: Why is good overall equipment effectiveness so important?

The recording of overall plant effectiveness is now standard in manufacturing companies. It makes problems and defects visible and reveals unplanned losses of a plant. Only in this way can suitable optimization measures be initiated, machines be better utilized – and production thus take place more effectively and efficiently.

Optimize performance and quality in production using OEE

good overall equipment effectiveness means:


  • A utilization of the machines as high as possible
  • An increase in plant productivity
  • Minimized use of resources
  • A reduction in costs while maximizing output
  • With a good OEE, “bottle necks” can be identified → so capacity can be increased at low cost

The production chain is only as strong as its weakest link!

IT/OT Konvergenz umgesetzt im Orchestra Designer mit Blick auf die Fertigung

“Hurdle” Industry 4.0 – Data analysis with Orchestra in the context of OEE

Evaluating the efficiency of production plants usually requires a high degree of translation work. This requires close cooperation with PLC and plant workers – because that’s where the knowledge about the processes is bundled.

Ein Vorteil

The first and easiest step is to first define states and their meaning at the machine – “is the machine currently productive or not”? Orchestra reliably provides all the data  – for every machine

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Accordingly, Overall Equipment Effectiveness is, so to speak, the first level of digitization and Industry 4.0 in one’s own company – the basic function of the “Internet of Things”.

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OEE key figures must be visualized in the next step. With the right software, the figures can then also be transferred to any system. Overall equipment effectiveness thus provides the basis for evaluation procedures such as condition monitoring.

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OEE also forms the basis for other Industrie 4.0 use cases such as the digital twin or predictive maintanance. And IT-OT convergence also uses total asset effectiveness data. Here, things get more granular and complicated: thresholds need to be defined, which requires close collaboration between the business side and the technical staff from production.

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The basic prerequisite for all these use cases is once again: connectivity must be established, and data must be collected in the context of OEE plant availability. Then other systems and applications benefit from the connectivity and the data provided.

Long-term benefits of good Overall Asset Effectiveness

The key figure of OEE finally creates transparency in one’s own production. In addition, the plant effectiveness provides a reliable key figure for further evaluations and optimizations. In addition, Overall Equipment Efficiency ensures the following three benefits in the long term:

Increase in quality

Through more uniform utilization of existing plants

Increase in plant productivity 

Through targeted evaluation processes

Fit for the Smart Factory 

Through connectivity and transparency

OEE with Orchestra Industrial Suite:

Benefits of data analysis and provisioning with soffico

Orchestra does not just deliver numbers – but numerous advantages for your production:
All plant data is collected, pre-processed, and buffered by Orchestra. The MES uses the valuable data from Orchestra to precisely calculate the overall plant effectiveness. In addition, the data is also available to other systems. In this way, production works more efficiently in the long term – and gets ready for the Smart Factory.

Straight to the Solution

Orchestra for OT

Orchestra also offers manufacturing companies numerous other benefits:


Future proofing

Data security

Transparency & data sovereignty

Investment protection

Stability & Reliability


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Sarah Blomeier. Ihr Ansprechpartner für alle Themen rund um Orchestra.