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Orchestra enables Industry 4.0

The Asset Administration Shell is intended to provide a standard way to describe and manage physical assets such as machines, tools, and equipment in industrial environments. Without an administration shell, each machine would have to be individually and manually integrated for automation purposes. This is time-consuming, expensive, and error-prone – and not up to date with regard to Industry 4.0. The AAS pursues the goal of enabling automated integration through standardized asset descriptions on the part of manufacturers. It thus provides the basis for use cases such as Overall Equipment Effectiveness, Condition Monitoring, Predictive Maintenance and many more.

Orchestra for IT

It is really impressive what soffico is getting off the ground: A topic as important for the digitalization of manufacturing as the Asset Administration Shell is discussed with top-class experts from research, industry and associations at soffico’s Industry Round Table.

Portrait: André Hoettgen - Paul Horn GmbH

André Hoettgen

Industrie 4.0 Architect at Paul Horn GmbH

What is an
Asset Administration Shell?

The Asset Administration Shell (AAS) is a data and information model used in the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) to describe and manage assets. The management shell is basically a data plug that allows to retrieve or store all relevant information about a specific asset, device, or component. It is considered an implementation of the Digital Twin concept and is thus a foundation for Industry 4.0. In this context, the AAS defines a data model for the description of assets, their relationships and the relevant data that must be recorded and stored for each asset. The goal of the AAS is to create a standard for describing and managing assets in an industrial environment that enables interoperability between different systems and improves the efficiency of asset management processes.

Hurdles & Challenges, that an Asset Administration Shell aims to solve

The Asset Administration Shell (AAS) was developed to take a step towards digitization – solving the following problems in managing industrial assets:

Heterogeneous assets: 

Industrial assets come in different forms and with different technologies, making it difficult to manage them consistently and efficiently. The AAS provides a standard way to describe assets and their characteristics, enabling a unified approach to asset management.

Data Silos

Industrial plants generate large amounts of data, but it is often difficult to access and integrate. AAS provides a standardized way to store and access data about assets so that data can be easily shared and analyzed.

Lack of Transparency: 

Difficulty accessing information about assets leads to a lack of transparency. The AAS provides a standard way to access asset data, improving visibility and enabling better decision making.

Inefficient maintenance: 

Maintenance processes can be time-consuming and inefficient, resulting in longer downtime and higher costs. The management shell provides a standard way to manage asset data, enabling more efficient maintenance processes and reducing downtime.


Industrial assets are often managed by different systems and technologies, leading to integration and interoperability challenges. AAS can enable interoperability between different systems and improve efficiency.

Orchestra – your enabler for successful AAS implementation

  • A connectivity layer is an important component for the successful implementation of an Asset Administration Shell (AAS). This data integration layer is responsible for connecting different systems and devices in the industrial environment that data can be collected, stored, and analyzed. This data is used to manage assets and provide information about their performance and maintenance needs.
  • The connectivity layer enables various systems and devices to communicate with each other and with the AAS, providing real-time information about the assets. This information is used for decision-making and enables companies to optimize their operations and reduce costs.
  • Without a robust and reliable connectivity layer, the AAS would not be able to effectively manage assets and collect the data needed for decision making. Connectivity and data integration are critical components in implementing the AAS. The management shell must be designed and implemented to meet the specific requirements of each industry environment.
  • In summary, the connectivity layer plays a critical role in the successful implementation of the Asset Administration Shell by enabling the collection, storage, and analysis of data in real time and providing the information needed for effective asset management and decision making.

Industry 4.0:
Benefits of the Administration Shell in Practice

On the road to the Smart Factory, the Asset Administration Shell (AAS) offers numerous benefits for industrial companies looking to improve the efficiency, reliability and transparency of their asset management processes:

Ein Vorteil

Improved asset visibility: 

The AAS provides the ability to store and access data about assets, which increases visibility and enables better decision making. This can help companies identify potential problems early, reducing maintenance costs.

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Efficient asset management

The Asset Administration Shell provides a standard way to manage assets, enabling more efficient maintenance processes and reducing downtime. This can improve the reliability of industrial assets and help companies achieve their production goals.

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Asset administration shell provides a standardized method for describing and managing assets, enabling interoperability between different systems, and improving efficiency. This can reduce the time and cost of integrating different systems and technologies.

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Data analysis and optimization: 

AAS enables storage of and access to data about assets, facilitating data sharing and analysis. This can help companies identify trends and patterns in asset performance to optimize their operations and improve efficiency.

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The AAS provides a standard way to describe and manage assets, enabling companies to meet regulatory requirements and demonstrate compliance with industry standards.

Ein Vorteil

Competitive advantage

By using a management shell, companies can improve the efficiency and reliability of their asset management processes. This can give them a competitive advantage over companies that rely on traditional, manual approaches.

Asset Administration Shell with Orchestra

Overall, the Asset Administration Shell aims to improve the efficiency and transparency of asset management in industrial environments, enable better decision-making and reduce costs.

With the help of the soffico middleware, the connected machines can also be directly and easily integrated into other processes, thus directly filling the basic AAS technology with life. With our low-code platform, we break down technical barriers and focus on content, not technical work. Get in touch with us!


Straight to the Solution!

Orchestra for OT

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Markus Benndorff. Ihr Ansprechpartner für alle Themen rund um Orchestra.