Orchestra Analysis
The Orchestra Analysis training course familiarizes you with the advanced analysis options of and for Orchestra. Why does the behavior of Orchestra Server not meet my expectations despite correct settings? Orchestra Analysis gives you the tools to not only find the reasons for installation and configuration errors, but also to be able to solve them independently.
The Training at a glance
- Tools & methods for analyzing Orchestra
- Deep insight behind the scenes
- Best practice
- Showing enhanced potentials
- jVisualVM
- RemoteServices
- Housekeeping, threaddump
- Database queries (e.g. duration of Orc statements)
- Watchdog
- HealthCheck
- Runtime DB most important tables (prepared statements)
- Customer Api
- Landscapes
- Use Case (check housekeeping)
Target Group
- Aspiring Orchestra developers
- Anyone who wants to develop a basic understanding of Orchestra
- Authorized Orchestra Basics Training